

Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml


Introduction to Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml is used to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus in both adults and children. It supplements a steady insulin level in the body for an entire day and helps control elevated blood sugar levels. This helps to prevent complications of diabetes.

  • Doctor can prescribe this drug alone or along with fast-acting insulin.
  • It can be prescribed with other diabetes medicines.
  • Follow your doctor's or nurse's teachings on how to inject it under the skin correctly.
  • Taking medications as a part of the treatment program should also include regular exercise, a healthy diet, and weight reduction exercises as per the doctor's advice; which will complement your treatment.
  • Avoid using this medicine when the sugar level in the blood is measured to be low. 

Safety Advice for Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
  • Safe

Inform your doctor about any liver issues for personalized insulin dosage adjustments.

Inform your doctor about any kidney issues for personalized insulin dosage adjustments.

It is unsafe to consume alcohol with this medication.

Your ability to drive may get impaired if your blood sugar get disturbed. It's beter to avoid driving if any symptoms occur.

It is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy. Please inform your doctor about it.

It is probably safe to use during breastfeeding. Please inform your doctor about it.

How Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml works

Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml contains a type of long-acting insulin designed to maintain steady blood sugar levels throughout the day. It mimics the action of natural insulin in the body. This insulin helps in transporting sugar into muscle and fat cells while also reducing the liver's production of sugar.

How To Use Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • Your doctor or nurse will teach you the way to administer the medicine.
  • Take the injection at a fixed time.
  • This medicine is mandate to use on a regular basis following the dose recommended by the doctor to get optimal effect.

Special Precautions About Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • One should take the medicine once daily, every day at the same time.
  • Avoid using the medicine if any colours or particles seen in it.
  • Before administer the medication by yourself; take proper training from relevant healthcare professional.
  • If you stop taking the medicine, your sugar level may rise uncontrollable which may put an individual at the rsik of serious complications.

Benefits Of Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • Helps to manage blood glucose level.
  • The medicine is effective in conditions; Diabetes Type I and Type II.

Side Effects Of Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level)
  • High blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Auto-antibody formation
  • Back pain
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Cataract

What If I Missed A Dose Of Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

Take the missed dose quickly when you recall. Avoid doubling up to compensate for a missed dose. 

  • Check the blood sugar level if possible and take the injection accordingly. 
  • Consult your doctor for further instructions.

Health And Lifestyle

Medication adherence is crucial to reverse the ondition back to normal. Apart from taking medicines; lifestyle modifications plays a crucial role; involve lean protiens, carbohydrate-rich food items to your diet like whole grains, fruits and vengetables etc. Control portion size to avoid overeating.

Drug Interaction

  • ACE Inhibitors- Captopril, Enalpril, Fosinopril, and Benazepril

Drug Food Interaction

  • Alcohol

Disease Explanation

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a condition in which blood sugar is too high because the body does not produce or use insulin normally.

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Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

by Sanofi India Ltd


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Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

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Safety Advice for Toujeo 300U Cartridge 1.5ml

  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
  • Safe

Inform your doctor about any liver issues for personalized insulin dosage adjustments.

Inform your doctor about any kidney issues for personalized insulin dosage adjustments.

It is unsafe to consume alcohol with this medication.

Your ability to drive may get impaired if your blood sugar get disturbed. It's beter to avoid driving if any symptoms occur.

It is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy. Please inform your doctor about it.

It is probably safe to use during breastfeeding. Please inform your doctor about it.