Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit
Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit



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Introduction to Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

The Prega News Kit is a reliable and easy-to-use home pregnancy test designed to provide quick and accurate results within minutes. It's a trusted choice for women who want to confirm pregnancy in the comfort of their homes.

How Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit works

Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine, which is generally found in substantial amounts during early stages of pregnancy.

How To Use Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • Remove the test device from the pouch, hold it by the thumb grip, and point the absorbent tip downwards.
  • Immerse the absorbent tip in a collected urine sample for about 10 seconds.
  • Lay the kit flat on a surface and read the result within 5 minutes.

Special Precautions About Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • Avoid drinking large amounts of water before the test.
  • Perform the test the first thing in the morning for getting the most accurate results.
  • Dispose of the kit responsibly after use.

Benefits Of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • Fast and reliable results.
  • Convenience of use at home.
  • Helps in early detection of pregnancy.

Side Effects Of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • There are no known side effects of using Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit.

What If I Missed A Dose Of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit


Health And Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and regular exercise can contribute positively to a healthy pregnancy.

Drug Interaction

  • There are no known drug interactions with the usage of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit.

Disease Explanation


hCG levels increase in early pregnancy, and the Prega News Kit detects these levels to confirm pregnancy.

Safety Advice for Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe

No effect.


No effect.

FAQ's on Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

Is Prega News gives correct result?

A pregnancy test kit is rarely wrong. It is more than 99 per cent accurate. Thus, if your test is negative, it means that you are not pregnant; However, if you are very early in your pregnancy and the test is done far too early, there could be an insufficient amount of urine hCG for the test to detect.

What if Prega News test is negative?

Modern home pregnancy tests (which use a urine sample to detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, a hormone produced during pregnancy) are fairly reliable. So most of the time, getting a negative result on a pregnancy test means that you are probably not pregnant.

How soon can Prega News detect pregnancy?

Ans: Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit can recognize pregnancy even after 2-3 days of a missed mensuration period. As the level of HCG hormone is secreted in the highest amounts early in the morning, it is advised for females to take this test early morning.

How can I check my Prega News result?

Collect morning first urine in a container. Put 3 drops of urine into sample well (present on detection card) with the help of a dropper. Put 3 drops of urine collected in the morning from a container. Read the results within 5 minutes.

Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

Some women experience common early pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to smell or bloating within days after conception, or about a week-and-a-half before your period is scheduled to arrive.

What is C and T in prega news?

Pregnancy hormone levels present – 2 red lines in both the test window (T) and control window (C) means you may have retained products of conception. One line may be lighter than the other; they do not have to match.

Tips of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • Keep a close eye on the time: results read after the recommended 5 minutes may not be accurate.
  • Do not touch the result window or absorbent tip.
  • Consult a doctor immediately after a positive result.

FactBox of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

False negatives or positives can sometimes occur with pregnancy test kits. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for accurate information.

Storage of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

Store Prega News Pregnancy Test in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep it out of children's reach.

Dosage of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

  • N/A

Synopsis of Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit

Prega News Pregnancy Test is a widely trusted product for detecting pregnancy. It works by testing the presence of hCG hormone in the urine. While it is simple and safe to use, it is recommended to take special precautions for accurate results. Always consult with a healthcare professional after obtaining a result.

check.svg Written By

Salony Priya

MBA in pharmaceutical management

Content Updated on

Wednesday, 8 January, 2025