Introduction to Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s is a combination medication of Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid), Rosuvastatin, and Clopidogrel and serves as a preventative measure against heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease. 

  • This powerful trio works synergistically to impede blood clot formation and regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels, fostering cardiovascular health.
  • Aspirin acts by preventing platelet aggregation, reducing the risk of harmful clot development.
  • Simultaneously, Rosuvastatin plays a pivotal role in managing cholesterol levels, lowering LDL cholesterol, and elevating HDL cholesterol.
  • Clopidogrel performs its action by blocking the activation of platelets, preventing abnormal clotting.

How Novastat Gold Tablet 10s Works?

This medication acts as a preventive shield against heart attacks by inhibiting the sticking together of platelets, thus reducing the formation of harmful blood clots. Moreover, it contributes to heart health by lowering levels of "bad" cholesterol and increasing levels of "good" cholesterol. Adhering to prescribed doses and medical guidance is essential for ensuring the effectiveness of this dual-action approach in safeguarding cardiovascular well-being.

How To Use Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

  • Follow your doctor's guidance for this medicine, taking it in the prescribed dose and duration.
  • You can take this medicine with food, but maintaining a consistent time daily is recommended for better results.
  • Swallow the drug whole; avoid chewing, crushing, or breaking it.
  • Adherence to the prescribed doses and medical advice is crucial for optimal effectiveness.

Special Precautions About Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

  • Before using this medicine, inform your doctor of any liver issues or bleeding disorders.
  • Attend regular checkups for liver function and bleeding risk assessments.
  • Report promptly any unusual bleeding, bruising, or persistent side effects.
  • Adhere to a heart-healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, as recommended by your healthcare provider

Benefits Of Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

  • It's part of a medication group that helps manage high cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots, commonly used for conditions like heart attack, myocardial infarction, angina, and stroke.

Side Effects Of Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

  • Increased bleeding tendency
  • Abdominal pain
  • Indigestion
  • Nosebleeds
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Diarrhea

What If I Missed A Dose Of Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

In case of a missed dose, taking only one when remembered is advised, avoiding the risk associated with taking two doses simultaneously


Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

What is Novastat gold used for?

Novastat Gold Strip Of 10 Tablets is used in patients at risk of having heart attacks, ischaemic stroke ( decrease blood supply to brain) or peripheral heart diseases (decrease blood supply to other parts of body other than heart and brain). It works by prevention of formation of abnormal lipids in blood.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Is Novastat gold a blood thinner?

In Heart attack Lowering the amount of cholesterol reduces the chances of heart diseases and helps you remain healthier for longer. Besides, it also contains two blood thinners, Aspirin and Clopidogrel, that together prevent the formation of blood clots and also prevent the existing ones from growing bigger in size.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Q. Can the use of Novastat Gold increase the risk of bleeding?

Yes, Novastat Gold increases the risk of bleeding. Always be careful while doing activities that may cause an injury or bleeding. Tell your doctor immediately if you notice any abnormal bruising or bleeding.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Q. What are the instructions for the storage and disposal of Novastat Gold?

Keep this medicine in the packet or the container it came in, tightly closed. Store it according to the instructions mentioned on the pack or label. Dispose of the unused medicine. Make sure it is not consumed by pets, children and other people.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Q. Will I need to stop Novastat Gold before surgery or dental procedure?

Novastat Gold may increase the risk of bleeding during a surgery or dental procedure. Therefore, you may be asked by your doctor to stop taking Novastat Gold. However, do not stop taking Novastat Gold on your own.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Q. What are the lifestyle changes to adapt while taking Novastat Gold?

Making lifestyle changes can boost your health while taking Novastat Gold. Stop smoking, as smoking increases your risk of having a heart attack and stroke. If you are overweight or obese, try to lose weight. You should maintain a healthy diet by including fruits and vegetables in your meals. Regular exercise can make your heart strong and decrease your risk of heart attack.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

Q. Which painkiller is safe while taking Novastat Gold?

Paracetamol is safe to use while taking Novastat Gold for relieving pain. Avoid the use of other painkillers while taking Novastat Gold, as they may increase the risk of bleeding.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

What is Gluconorm G1?

Gluconorm-G1 Forte Tablet is an oral anti-diabetic medicine. It is a combination of two medicines containing Glimepiride and Metformin as its active ingredient. Gluconorm-G1 Forte is indicated for typ. A condition where blood sugar level rises above the normal range due to varied reasons.

Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

What is Ovostat?

Ovostat Gold is a combined oral contraceptive pill, used to prevent getting pregnant.

Similar Medicine Of Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

For information purposes only. Consult a doctor before taking any medicines.

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Safety Advice For Novastat Gold Tablet 10s

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Avoid alcohol consumption. Seek your doctors' advice for personalized guidance and recommendations regarding consumption.


This drug is extremely unsafe during pregnancy. Consult your doctor for advice, as studies on both pregnant women and animals have demonstrated significant harmful effects on the developing baby.

Breast feeding

Using this medication during breastfeeding is likely unsafe. Limited human data suggests potential harm to the baby as the drug may pass into breast milk.


Caution is advised in patients with kidney issues. Adjustments to the dose may be necessary. The medicine usage is not advised in severe kidney disease. Consult your doctor for more information.


Caution is advised in patients with liver issues. Adjustments to the dose may be necessary. The medicine usage is not advised in severe liver disease. Consult your doctor for more information.


Avoid alcohol consumption. Seek your doctors' advice for personalized guidance and recommendations regarding consumption.


This drug is extremely unsafe during pregnancy. Consult your doctor for advice, as studies on both pregnant women and animals have demonstrated significant harmful effects on the developing baby.

Breast feeding

Using this medication during breastfeeding is likely unsafe. Limited human data suggests potential harm to the baby as the drug may pass into breast milk.


Caution is advised in patients with kidney issues. Adjustments to the dose may be necessary. The medicine usage is not advised in severe kidney disease. Consult your doctor for more information.


Caution is advised in patients with liver issues. Adjustments to the dose may be necessary. The medicine usage is not advised in severe liver disease. Consult your doctor for more information.

Health And Lifestyle

A heart-healthy lifestyle, encompassing a balanced diet and regular exercise, is recommended for overall well-being.

Drug Interaction

  • Ritonavir
  • Lopinavir
  • Darunavir
  • Atazanavir
  • Indinavir


  • Grapefruit juice
  • Alcohol

Disease Explanation

A heart attack happens when a clot blocks blood flow to the heart. This blockage is often a buildup of fat and cholesterol, forming plaque in the heart's arteries. During a heart attack, the heart doesn't get enough oxygen because blood supply is cut off. Signs include chest pain, upper body pain, sweating, nausea, fatigue, and trouble breathing. **Stroke:** A stroke occurs when a blockage cuts off blood supply to a part of the brain, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients. **Angina:** Angina is heart-related chest pain due to reduced or blocked blood flow to the heart. It's a common sign of coronary artery disease, where cholesterol buildup clogs the heart's arteries.

Update on: Tuesday, 21 May, 2024

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Written By:

Rakshita Garg