Introduction to Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s serves as a blood vessel widening drug that works through the modulation of potassium channels and intracellular cGMP concentrations. It is frequently used for managing angina.

By enhancing cyclic GMP quantities and triggering potassium channels, it aids in the relaxation of coronary blood vessel muscles, leading to vessel widening. Its applications primarily lie in managing angina (heart-induced chest discomfort) and serving as a vasodilator.

It is recommended to be ingested orally along with meals. Special precautions should be taken while using this drug in patients with serious liver conditions and individuals with low blood pressure or at the brink of significant low blood pressure, including shock cases.

Patients who have been prescribed this medication must strictly follow their doctor's advice regarding dosage and the period of treatment.

It is essential to notify any ongoing signs or adverse reactions on time.

How Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s Works?

The substance aids in both the prevention and treatment of angina, a discomfort in the chest triggered by constricted vessels supplying the heart. Such constriction means the heart doesn't receive s sufficient oxygen, resulting in discomfort. The pill helps to expand these vessels, allowing an increased flow of blood and oxygen to reach the heart. This reduces the discomfort from angina, rendering physical activities and daily tasks more manageable. Even if angina symptoms are not present, it's critical to take this drug consistently for effective results.

How To Use Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

  • Observe your physician's guidance on the quantity and period.
  • Swallow the pill intact; refrain from masticating, smashing, or splitting.
  • It can be consumed with or sans meals.
  • For uniformity, favor ingesting it at a constant hour.
  • Rigidly comply with the allotted quantity and therapy span.
  • Seek advice from your physician for any doubts.

Special Precautions About Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

  • Caution in patients with severe hypotension.
  • Monitor for signs of gastrointestinal ulceration.
  • Assess renal function regularly.
  • Use with care in those with a history of angioedema.
  • Avoid in patients with severe hepatic impairment.

Benefits Of Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

  • Induces vasodilation for heart conditions.
  • Relieves symptoms of angina.
  • Improves coronary blood flow.
  • Activates potassium channels for efficacy.

Side Effects Of Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

  • Palpitations
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal ulcer
  • Skin ulcer
  • Headache

What If I Missed A Dose Of Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

If you forget a medicine dose, take it promptly. If the next dose is close, skip the missed one and return to your usual schedule. Avoid taking an extra dose, as it can be harmful. Consistent use is essential for effectiveness. Consult your healthcare provider for advice on managing missed doses to ensure proper medication adherence.

Similar Medicine Of Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

For information purposes only. Consult a doctor before taking any medicines.

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Safety Advice For Nikoran 5mg Tablet 20s

check for risk indication explain below.

  • High risk
  • Moderate risk
  • Safe


Consuming alcohol while on this medication can lead to dangerously low blood pressure, so it should be avoided.


This medication is generally not advised during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

This medication is generally not advised if you are breastfeeding.


This medication does not typically affect kidney function adversely, but care should be taken when using it.


This medication does not typically affect liver function adversely, but care should be taken when using it.


Consuming alcohol while on this medication can lead to dangerously low blood pressure, so it should be avoided.


This medication is generally not advised during pregnancy.

Breast feeding

This medication is generally not advised if you are breastfeeding.


This medication does not typically affect kidney function adversely, but care should be taken when using it.


This medication does not typically affect liver function adversely, but care should be taken when using it.

Disease Explanation

No disease explanation.