What to Drink to Prevent Pregnancy After Sex?

10 min read


Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon that can occur after sex. For some, pregnancy comes as good news, but for others, it can be a surprise. As pregnancy should be a matter of choice, there are many ways to prevent it. While after-sex contraceptives are one of the most reliable ways to stop pregnancy from occurring, some natural ways, including certain beverages, are also believed to work.

In this blog post, we will be sharing a list of those beverages so you know what to drink to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex.

What To Drink to Prevent Pregnancy?

Many women look forward to trying home remedies to prevent pregnancy and try pregnancy test at home without a kit using natural methods. Having certain drinks or beverages is one of them. Following drinks are believed to prevent pregnancy after sex:

Green Papaya Juice

Though ripe papaya is good to have during pregnancy, green papaya is notoriously known to cause miscarriage. It may also help in preventing pregnancy in situations when you have sex without protection. To avoid pregnancy after sex, make green papaya juice and have it two times a day. Have it for 2-4 days straight to minimise your chances of getting pregnant.

Pineapple Juice

Another fruit that is known to prevent pregnancy naturally is pineapple. Having cut pieces of the fruit or drinking its juice on days following your sexual encounter can prevent implantation if a sperm manages to fertilise the egg. Just blend the cut fruit in a blender and have the fresh juice immediately. Be mindful of the quantity you’re drinking as consuming too much pineapple can cause tummy troubles like diarrhoea.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is one of the well-known natural home remedies to get periods. It can stimulate bleeding and in turn, save you from getting pregnant. All you need to do is boil half an inch of ginger in one and a half cups of water and let it simmer for a few minutes. Once the liquid is reduced to half, turn off the burner, strain, and have the liquid. Taking ginger tea twice a day will likely help you avoid pregnancy.  

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a flavourful spice commonly used in Indian recipes. But did you know that it might also come in handy as a natural contraceptive when you forget to use protection? The spice is said to initiate uterine contractions, thereby preventing pregnancy. Therefore, drinking cinnamon tea or sprinkling it over your dishes may be a good idea if you don’t wish to have a baby.

Lemon Juice

Some suggest that lemon juice may also work against pregnancy due to its acidic nature. It is said that while the vitamin C content of lemon surely boosts immunity, the acidity of the fruit can stop sperm from being active and fertilise the egg. No fertilisation would mean no pregnancy.

Early studies have been conducted to confirm lemon’s effectiveness in preventing pregnancy; however, no strong observations were noted, and more research is required in this area.

Caffeinated Beverages

Drinking caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and others is also believed to prevent pregnancy. Some studies have revealed that caffeine has the ability to reduce fertility in men and women when consumed in large amounts. So, while a cup or two of coffee will probably be safe, too much of it can be bad for your health.


Though alcohol may or may not have a direct impact on pregnancy when consumed on days after having unprotected sex, there is research that indicates that alcohol can hamper your health and fertility. Drinking excess alcohol may reduce your chances of getting pregnant. If pregnancy is something you look forward to in the future, drinking in moderation or none at all should be your goal.

Neem Tea

Neem is a widely used ingredient in Ayurveda. It is very effective in treating certain health concerns and is also believed to prevent conception. Women who wish to try this method can boil a few leaves of neem in water for some time and drink the infused liquid. Neem’s contraceptive properties may likely help in avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.

Apricot Drink

Make yourself an apricot drink with a few dried apricots blended with some honey and water if you are hoping to skip pregnancy. Or, you could even eat a few dried apricots every day until your period arrives if having an apricot drink doesn’t seem like a good idea to you. Apricots are great for health. So, having them will give you the added benefits as well.

Kala Jamun Juice

Juniper berries, popularly known as Kala Jamun in India, are a healthy treat. In addition to being effective in preventing urinary tract infections in women, they can also serve as a natural remedy for preventing pregnancy. Make kala jamun juice and drink it for a few days after intercourse to reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

Are These Drinks Really Effective in Preventing Pregnancy?

Before you go ahead and try any of these drinks to prevent pregnancy, it is important to note that these remedies are not backed by scientific proof. They are based on anecdotal references. So, they may or may not work for you. Keep looking for signs of pregnancy that tell you're expecting if you use these drinks as you still might get pregnant.

If you really want to avoid pregnancy, your best bet is to reach out to a doctor who can assess your condition and prescribe you an emergency contraceptive to make sure you do not get pregnant.

What Else Can You Do to Prevent Pregnancy After Sex?

Besides trying the above drinks, you can also follow a few suggestions to minimise the possibility of getting pregnant. These are:

  • Use the bathroom after sex. This will not only protect you from UTIs but will also remove some amount of the sperm-laden fluid from your vagina.
  • Consult your doctor and explain your situation. They will suggest you take emergency contraceptive pills to stop you from conceiving.
  • Explore long-term contraception measures like birth control pills or intrauterine devices to prevent pregnancy in the future.

Final Thoughts

Knowing what to drink to prevent pregnancy after sex is good until you don’t completely rely on it to avoid getting pregnant. These drinks may work against pregnancy but are not 100% effective. Researchers are yet to study their effectiveness in preventing women from conceiving. 

So, while you may have these drinks until you see your doctor, it would be better to turn to emergency contraceptives if you are sure about not having a baby at the moment.


Can drinking ginger tea prevent pregnancy after sex?

Ginger tea is believed to have contraceptive properties in some traditional practices, but there's no evidence to support this claim.

Is pineapple juice effective in preventing pregnancy after sex?

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is sometimes thought to interfere with implantation. However, there's no scientific evidence to confirm its effectiveness as a contraceptive.

Can papaya prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex?

Unripe papaya contains papain, an enzyme that is believed to have contraceptive effects. However, relying on papaya for pregnancy prevention is not recommended.

I've heard about drinking parsley tea to avoid pregnancy. Does it work?

Parsley is sometimes mentioned as a method to induce menstruation, but its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is not scientifically proven.

Can Vitamin C prevent pregnancy after sex?

High doses of vitamin C have been suggested as a method to prevent pregnancy, but this is not supported by scientific evidence and can have potential side effects.

How to avoid pregnancy naturally?

Natural methods of pregnancy prevention include:

Abstinence: The only completely effective natural method.

Withdrawal (pull-out method): Requires careful timing and control and is not very reliable.

Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABMs): Involve tracking your menstrual cycle and avoiding sex during fertile periods. Requires careful monitoring and commitment.

What should be eaten to avoid pregnancy?

No food can reliably prevent pregnancy. Contraception is necessary to avoid pregnancy.



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Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment of any health condition.

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